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A Divine Love Story Of Albatross & Phoenix

Author Name: Sabi Aggarwal | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

In the vast expanse of the sky, two young sea birds fell in love with each other. The creatures are unique and symbolizing the fact of being humans when in love. The name of the sea birds are Albatross and Phoenix who crossed the love paths in a serendipitous encounter. Albatross who is known for his elegance and grace in flight, is drawn to Phoenix’s radiant beauty and fiery presence. Despite their contrasting natures, their connection deepens as they shares stories of their respective journeys. Over time, their bond grows stronger and they learn to appreciate the unique qualities of each other and faced challenges together. However, their love faces a test when their families threaten to apart them from each other in various manners. Though, their sacrifices and love for each other crossed all boundaries in order to stay together and they find a way to nurture their love while allowing each other to shine in their own way, embodying the harmony between them. Finally, the fight for each other with their family to be together forever.



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Sabi Aggarwal

The author name is Sabi Aggarwal Kapil. She was born in Amritsar and raised in Delhi. She did her studies from Delhi itself. She is currently working with Google Company as a digital marketing specialist. Her hobbies are cooking, dancing, travelling and basically enjoying every bit of the life. Her passion is to write and convey different characters in her own variance and style. She has a lovely nature and easy to approach person who helps everyone. She is kind hearted in nature.



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