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Brahma Vivaha Saat Janmo ka Anant Bandhan (An Infinite Bond of Seven Lifetimes)

Author Name: Jyotivah Jyotson | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

Who exposed the perfect caste fraud of marriage and how?

The story of Brahma Vivaha is a caste fraud, where a Shudra man is unable to find a suitable woman from his caste for marriage in America. So, he conceals his lower caste and marries an upper-caste Brahmin woman. In doing so he breaks the absolute laws of the Chaturvarna caste order perpetuated through endogamous Brahma Vivaha.

When his caste fraud is exposed by an anonymous entity to his wife, he has no option but to kill his wife. Eventually, he is caught by the cops and is ready to face any punishment resigning to his fate. But destiny intervenes when he loses a bet on the outcome of the presidential election of 2008. In losing the bet, he realizes the truth of America’s founding principle that all men are created equal and the lie of inequality of the caste order. He then wants to prove the spiritual cosmic foundation of the caste order through his caste fraud to Americans in a court of law.

But will the revelations about his caste fraud in the court help Americans understand Brahma Vivaha’s infinite bond, which is the foundation of the Chaturvarna caste order?


Who is that anonymous entity and how did it expose his perfect caste fraud?



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