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Delay, Distract, Decide A Procrastinator’s Guide to Getting Things Done

Author Name: Mehak Chawla | Format: Paperback | Genre : Self-Help | Other Details

This book delves into the heart of procrastination, offering insights, strategies and a roadmap for overcoming delay. Explore the psychology behind procrastination, discover actionable strategies and embark on a shared journey towards reclaiming time and unlocking your full potential. Gear up for a transformative voyage into self-discovery and productivity. the journey begins now.



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Mehak Chawla

My name is Mehak Chawla and this is my second  self help book which targets the couch potatoes. I am currently doing my post graduation alongside chartered accountancy. I personally feel that everyone is busy procrastinating things in life which should be avoided as early as possible. So, to the rescue I have come up with the strategies to overcome it. Consider me as your self-help coach.



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