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Design Thinkin IT UP!

Author Name: Gururaja Kulkarni | Format: Paperback | Genre : Design | Other Details

Topics highlighted are on Challenges involved in design thinking and how it is useful in various areas like project management, human resources, sustainability manufacturing and various other industries. The author also talks about digital transformation through design thinking.



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Gururaja Kulkarni

“Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass”

Anton Chekhov, a Russian playwright, when asked about the difference between a writer and anybody else. While anybody else can merely state what is happening around them, it takes the skills of a writer to paint a picture with words.

As a design thinker at heart, and a mindful trainer with a sense of social responsibility, Gururaja Kulkarni, the author of this book, A versatile personality. He also holds a Master’s in management.

He is passionate about writing and training more than anything else. He constantly looks for opportunities that challenge the innate artist in him and encourage him to do more and better by the day. He believes in contributing. 

The writer and trainer in him got abundant opportunities to be imaginative, creative, and enterprising. His workshops and the results reaped through them are a testimony to his contributions to people’s jobs, careers, and lives. 

In the past, he has also created content. The task required him to come up with out-of-the-box problem solving strategies. It also required collaborating with other team members and crafting an effective, resonating, and value driven. The efforts came to fruition, making the project enormously successful.

As the author of this book, Gururaja endeavors to contribute value by delving into some aspects of design thinking. It is a sincere effort to help students, teachers, faculty members, entrepreneurs, startup owners, and professionals leverage design thinking and contribute positively to solutions.

