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Hazy Wake Up Call

Author Name: Sreehari Sreekumar | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

Have you realized there are at least two sides to every story? Have you turned back into your life, into the shoes of the people who came into your life and seen things through their eyes? If not, this book is for you.

This book will take you through the life of Aadhik—an immature and confused guy working as a software engineer. He doesn’t find happiness in his job as he is not recognized. Does he resign his high-paying job just for that? Is he transforming into a narcissist from being immature?

Vayga has finished college. She is from a conservative Brahmin family.  Just like every young, educated girl, brought up in a strict traditional family, she is now looking for a break from life within the bounds of family rules and a kick start to an independent life doing something she enjoys.

Aadhik and Vayga cross their paths in life and are introduced to some new people. What happens after that? Does Aadhik realize his immaturity, or does he succumb to it? Does Vayga find her purpose?



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Sreehari Sreekumar

Born into a middle-class family in Kerala, Sreehari grew up in close contact with nature and people. Equally fascinated by tradition, heritage, science, and modernity, he loved to think and explore more about the world, the universe, and life, which channelized into the world within a person as he grew into an adult. He tried to see everything from multiple perspectives. 

Sreehari started writing short poems and stories inspired by emotions and things around him in his teenage years. He says every emotion inside him can be portrayed as a different unique character, and several stories can be made from it. He had a different perspective about life, and he always wanted to stay away from the rat race, but fate brought him there as he moved out of college to become a software engineer. The desire to write a book was planted in his mind from college days, but the pandemic and lockdown had to happen to give him time to finally pave the way into his world of thoughts and stories and allow them to come back in the form of words onto paper.

This is his first novel.



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