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In the Land of Führer

Author Name: Namrita Chhibber | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

When Agnes Born stumbled upon a hidden and forgotten diary, she knew reading it could mean opening Pandora's box. What she didn't know was that it would take her on a quest to find a woman lost in Hitler's land. Little did she know her search to find Germany's most wanted criminal would also bring her face to face with her own sins. This is a tale of two women, two timelines, and a true friendship in an unlikely place.



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Namrita Chhibber

Namrita Chhibber may not appear philosophical, but she consistently finds herself pondering over the meaning of life. Her passion for reading traces back to her childhood days, when her father would buy her comic books during summer holidays at railway stations while visiting her grandparents. With the sole purpose of creating fictional friends, she scribbled her first story at the back of her diary. She is not a wanderer and finds solace in spending her leisure days curled up with a good book in a cozy cafe, enjoying movies, or revisiting her favorite comfort shows.



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