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Journey Into Friends

Author Name: Kavya Visaliram | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

“JOURNEY INTO FRIENDS” is a book which says that nobody is unworthy to chase their dreams and everybody has the ability to chase their dreams. It is also about an anxiety girl who shows her interest in knowing more things and also a girl who chases her dreams and gives more preferences to relationship and friendship. This book even make you know what fantasies you can have in your life.



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Kavya Visaliram

Hello book readers, welcome to the world of love and fantasy dreams where a teenage girl from a small city chases her dreams and fantasy. Every dream however impossible, when  followed with  passion, zeal, Hardwork and willingness to achieve becomes possible. Although if has all the above,  the journey of their desired destination is not an easy one.  Likewise, a teenage girl who can’t oppose their parents dreams by  hurting them and chases her dreams by fighting alone with this society. This book uploads many aspects of life like girls and dream fantasies etc.. This book deals with the love and friendship between the girls and the understanding parents in this universe. Hope this book brings you an inspiring thoughts in you make you chase your dreams in your life. Hope you enjoy reading this book.



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