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Leadership of Shame Pleading “Ignorance of the Law”, after harming another in reprisal, is no excuse

Author Name: Gurinder Rana | Format: Paperback | Genre : Business, Investing & Management | Other Details

“The onus of proving the charges brought against a defendant is the duty of the prosecutor and, not of the defense. The prosecutor must prove all charges, by the preponderance of the evidence, clearly and concisely, beyond any shadow of a doubt. This is the law, and it is undisputed. If the glove doesn’t fit then, you must acquit.”

In the wake of 9/11, a few military leaders fabricated false charges against their subordinates to avoid facing any consequence for their illicit actions. What followed was widespread hatred for the colored, non-Christians, separate creeds, and non-American nationals. The United States Armed Forces overlooked such cases and closed them arbitrarily without informing the affected troops. The inspectors generals were overwhelmed with complaints, and eventually, the GAO investigated and exposed certain crimes. One of the unsolved cases not addressed by the GAO was the case of Captain Arvind Johar. This is his account.



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Gurinder Rana

The author is a decorated leader from the United States Armed Forces. He owes his success to his managers who trusted him, respected him, and compassionately showed him the right way to ascend the professional ladder. He remained positive throughout and even found opportunities in negative situations as he believed it was his duty to maintain the safety and the security of the people.

The author’s professional career in the United States Armed Forces took a sudden nose-dive due to new management who were untrustworthy, uncaring and disrespectful. This change is the subject of his next book.

