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Lean DisruptDynamics Navigating the Waves of Change in Business

Author Name: Ayush Desai | Format: Paperback | Genre : Business, Investing & Management | Other Details

"Lean DisruptDynamics: Navigating the Waves of Change in Business" is your definitive roadmap to thriving in today's dynamic business environment. This comprehensive guide combines the principles of Lean methodology with innovative disruption strategies, providing actionable insights and real-world case studies from top companies like Apple, Airbnb, and more. Learn how to adapt, innovate, and lead in a rapidly changing market, develop tailored metrics for success, and harness the power of storytelling to engage your audience. With practical tools and a strategic mindset, this book empowers you to not only survive but thrive amidst disruption.



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Ayush Desai

Ayush Desai, a distinguished professional and astute business strategist, possesses a profound educational background in law and entrepreneurship. Graduating from Nirma University with a coveted law degree and further refining his entrepreneurial acumen at Harvard University, Ayush has left an enduring legacy of excellence. 

Co-founding CustomerLab, he serves as a trusted business strategist, delivering strategic insights and pioneering solutions for long-term growth. Ayush's enigmatic persona, coupled with his expertise in law, entrepreneurship, and business strategy, positions him as an invaluable force of transformation in any professional arena.



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