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Life's Little Things Embracing the Everyday

Author Name: Javid Ahamed | Format: Paperback | Genre : Self-Help | Other Details

With a genuine passion for capturing the essence of life's seemingly little things, this heartfelt endeavor invites you to explore the beauty that often goes unnoticed. Through a collection of witty and profound anecdotes, this book will gently guide you to open your heart to a world of infinite possibilities. Prepare to be enchanted as you discover the overlooked magic that resides within life's little things.



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Javid Ahamed

Javid Ahamed, is a software engineer turned designer, with a passion for doing things in a better way and creating lasting impressions. He began his designing career in 2006, as a Graphic Designer and ascent to the position of Creative Director within three years. He has worked in different advertising agencies in Jeddah and Dubai, while also engaging in roles such as web guide, interior designer, trainer, editor, and branding consultant. This is his first book. Currently, he lives in Jeddah with his wife and daughter.

He can be reached at



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