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Muffled Notions

Author Name: Swastika Sahu | Format: Paperback | Genre : Young Adult Fiction | Other Details

This book is all about some tangled or muffled thoughts and emotions of the co-authors through which they either coped or are still standing behind the shadow. Pain, sorrow, grief, affection, these are the emotions that can only be felt, and sometimes words can say a lot more than the eye does. In this technical world, people somehow fail to express how they feel and that's what they pen down. The book holds those untold, unheard, unread stories of our co-authors.



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Swastika Sahu

Always lost in words, Swastika Sahu was born and brought up in the city blessed with the showers of Maa Narmada, Mandla (M.P.). She is the eldest daughter of Mr. Ravi Shankar Sahu and Mrs. Jyoti Sahu. Swastika started penning her thoughts since she was 14. She believes in the magic of poetry and music. Apart from Hindi and English, Swastika has written poetries in Urdu as well. Keeping this aside, when bored, she loves to practice guitar.   The swastika is currently pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Computer Science  Engineering and Technology from the city of lakes, Bhopal (M.P.). She is not the one watching moons and stars from the rooftop,  she dreams of the whole sky in her hands!

