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Once Upon A Time

Author Name: Jeevan K. | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

It is a collection of short stories that explore a wide range of genres. It is intended to keep the readers totally captivated and engrossed with its story line that is replete with twists and unexpected turns to sustain the reader’s interest. Each story is intended to take the reader through an emotional path with its own unique characteristic style.

These stories are far from our everyday moralized stories. They explore some traumatic experiences as depicted by different characters involved in the individual story. The author has tried to depict the true nature of human beings with all their flaws and nuances. Based on real-life occurrences, albeit fictionalized and interwoven with several interesting anecdotes.

Hopefully these short stories will resonate with the readers in one way or another. They may relate with some characters of one story or other as the stories have been presented without sugar-coating any negatives. The reality portrayed in the story is faced by each one of us in our everyday life.

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Jeevan K.

The author Jeevan K., a postgraduate in Statistics, and Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB), is a senior retired banker whose passion for learning continued even after retirement. A Diploma in German Language, followed by a Diploma in Journalism, led further to study in Vedic Astrology. However, instead of  utilizing his half-baked astrological- study knowledge  into commercial practice, as it required very deep studies and thorough knowledge of ancient astrological  scriptures, he took the initiative to use whatever little knowledge he had acquired, into writing books on astrological studies, simply to enable him to understand  the basic Vedic astrology. It was his basic intention to interpret and incorporate the ancient Hindu Astrology into the modern scenario and make it more relevant to modern day materialistic way of thinking by using his scientific trained mind to probe further into the mysterious world of stellar astrology.

However, with the onslaught of Pandemic and subsequent lockdown, innumerable astrological predictions started being circulated, some even bordering to astronomical fantasies, that he abandoned the idea of pursuing writing with serious intentions. Instead he utilized his time to concentrate on penning some lighthearted short stories, based on his banking experience, into a travelogue of the different places he had visited after retirement.

The stories narrated in this book intend to be simple, sprinkled with humor, but also deeply rooted into real life incidents. They are replete with surprises along with some suspense to make them an enjoyable reading.

