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One Stop Shop To help land your dream job in your cart

Author Name: Ankit Kalonia | Format: Paperback | Genre : Self-Help | Other Details

If you ask me to describe in one word, as to what leaves the maximum impact on an Interviewer, I would say that it is your ‘personality’. As lot of positions have functions which the employer can teach you but personality is something they can’t teach you. And let me tell you that it is your personality itself which creates a negative or positive impression on the interviewer.

Now, I am sure that you’ll agree to me that it takes a tremendous effort over several years to build up your personality, depending upon your upbringing, the school you went to, the quality of education imparted, the subjects studied by you, the life lessons taught to you by your elders, your personal habits, the books you read, your friends’ mentality, your approach towards life and many more factors. Therefore, personality is a much more holistic term which forms through a vast bunch of things, done all through your life.

Thus, you may carry the notion that personality cannot be imparted to someone.

Well, I would argue no! My belief stands at a distance than yours.

What if I say that it can be trained to anyone through the source of a book?

Sounds astonishing…isn’t it!

That’s the beauty of this book. As it tells you that by simply following some basic set of rules, you can construct an appropriate tone, form a pleasing personality and therefore give an impression of having decent etiquettes to your interviewer. And let me tell you that personality goes a long way. Hence, I firmly believe that this book has the power to get you your dream job and transform your future.



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Ankit Kalonia

Ankit Kalonia is a seasoned Hospitality professional, who relishes interviewing candidates and has conducted 1500+ interviews in his professional tenure. His passion for interviews prompted him to become a Job Interview Coach and help aspirants attain their dream job. The foundation of his preaching lies on the fact that it's not what you say, it's how you say it that matters the most. Having spent ample time at the other side of the table, Ankit has a whole new perspective about job interviews and if you prepare for your dream job interview considering his approach, it will appear to be a cakewalk for you.



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