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Author Name: VAISHALI RAMESH | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

This book is a Narration of the story written by Sage Valmiki's evergreen Epic, "THE RAMAYANA" originally written in Sanskrit. Bringing the whole Epic in a single book is indeed challenging and that made me to split the book into volumes. The first volume that i am presenting herewith Portraits the Glory of The Prince of Ayodhya SHRIRAM, the Lord himself starting his journey from a Teenager to a Married man. This part mainly focuses on the key attributes of RAM being a dad's son, an ideal student, a man of kindness, a warrior at the battleground, a lovely brother, a man who respects women hood., and much more. As per the valmiki's Ramayana , these instance come under AARANYA KANDAM, the second Kandam. Reading Ramayana at home is considered to be highly auspicious and is believed to bring great positivity to oneself & his entire family. Goodness is felt every time when you devote some time in reading the story and feel RAM. It feels immensely great to write it in the universal language, so that each of you reading it will be able to understand the essence of the story and gain all optimistic blessings from the almighty.



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VAISHALI RAMESH, a Motivation enthusiast and an independent author believes thoughts should be expressed and the best way to do it is by scripting it. An Engineer by profession started devoting time reading books about the universe, the subconscious mind and invested her thoughts in seeking spirituality and goodness to lead a successful life. RAGHUVANSHI RAM is her third book following two other books, TWO IN ONE & UNLOCKING THE POWER OF THE UNIVERSE THROUGH MANIFESTATION which were self published in AMAZON. 

