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The Art of Influence Mastering Power Dressing for Indian Women

Author Name: Anu Kaushal Manhotra | Format: Paperback | Genre : Design | Other Details

This book is a testament to the immense potential that lies within every modern Indian woman to express herself confidently, authentically, and influentially through her style choices.



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Anu Kaushal Manhotra

Anu Manhotra is an Indian author, leadership & NLP Coach.Anu Manhotra is also a certified corporate trainer and a
motivational speaker. She has conducted training and coaching sessions
for various organizations across different industries. Her training programs
are aimed at helping professionals enhance their leadership skills, improve
communication, and achieve their career goals.
In addition to her corporate work, Anu Manhotra is also actively involved in
social work and is associated with various charitable organizations. She
has been recognized for her contributions to the community and has
received many awards and honours for her work.
Anu Manhotra is dedicated to helping individuals achieve success and
make a positive impact in their personal and professional lives. To know
more about her work please visit her website



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