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The Caliginous Light

Author Name: Rashmin Bhardwaj | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

This book is a vision. A vision for a better and peaceful nation. A vision for the bright future of my birth land. This book occupied my brain with a number of incidents in my life. Second was my enthusiasm for preaching secularism and peace treaty between religions to fellow citizens. This book is the story of change. The change only the younger generation or a true human can bring on the soil of India. The change tried in this book will come successfully or not? You, the dear reader, will decide.



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Rashmin Bhardwaj

The author is a 16 year old who is pursuing her 12th standard from LSMS Vidya Mandir, Khanna, Punjab, India She has keen interest in Politics and Literature which is easily visible from her writings. She started writing at the age of 11 in the form of poetry. You can contact her from her email



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