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The Footprints Of divine souls

Author Name: Ms.Saz | Format: Paperback | Genre : Religion & Spirituality | Other Details

The book introduces the young Saints of the Catholic Church. The idea behind the launch of the book is to give the children the awareness of the holiness of oneself. The life events of each saint would leave a deep impact on the young minds, that may be moved by their good deeds and also their intersession would protect them from all evil and harm. The Catholic church is a strongly built institution that advice the family apostolate, to bring up the new epoch in greatness and holiness of the Christ.



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Ms Saz is an author of children's literature. She has a rich experience in working with children as an educator. She is a polyglot, mostly writes on topics related to children, parenting, articles, pamphlets and poetry.  She began writing her debut novel after obsessing over books about Sudha Krishnamurthy. When she’s not writing, she can be found wandering through nature or journaling in the library and not have any prejudice regarding any specific subject and while practising aimlessness pick any book that interests her and blog about it.

Ms Saz is the author of Beyond the Woods,  Through my translucent goggles, Unfading Lilacs and many more on the list. Her creativity and innovations reflect in her authorship. Being from a mentor background, she had always been inclined towards inspirational books. The book `Beyond the woods' caught much attention. Her writings talked about the relationship between nature and mankind, basically discussed emotional relations. She is passionate about her profession and professional in her passion.
She currently lives in South India with her husband and sons.        


