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The Myriad Hues a collection of poems

Author Name: Shikha Sharma | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

‘Make me a journey and I will travel with you’ is simply what this collection ‘The Myriad Hues’ is all about. It reveals life’s untold lessons which can only be learnt by way of experience and not really by word of mouth. Not really a spiritual guide but it surely talks about the elevation at various levels which comes by in a human being by way of exquisite yet simple life learning experiences. If one is compelled to think from the point of view of the poet about the world and it’s affairs, it wouldn’t really be wrong, we have all risen and come far in our lives, made a niche for ourselves in this world, have proved ourselves probably a zillion times to the world, hence, ‘The Myriad Hues’ !!!



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Shikha Sharma

The poet, Mrs Shikha Sharma, born into a family of writers and scholars was born and brought up in Dhanbad and acquired her school education from Mt. Carmel School, Dhanbad. While most of her writing ability comes genetically, she owes her language acquisition skills to her school and to her teachers, sisters who did a great job while she was at school.

Shikha has quite aptly divided up the content of the book to suit the various headings like Life, Experience, Writing, School, Travels and House which show where most of the inspiration to pen down the verses came from. These verses are not poetry but are sublime in nature revealing the inner thought process of the poet who has been touched by even the simple movement of leaves or the cat slurping away the milk!

A blogger, she can be easily be reached at by the name of Sophisticatedme. Her terribly tiny tales are worth a read. She may be contacted at

