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Author Name: Srinivasan Gopal Chari | Format: Paperback | Genre : Young Adult Fiction | Other Details

The story “Untempered Rebels” is set in some country, which resembles many countries in the world today where there exists oppression and tyranny. It is narrated from the point of view of a middle-class, oppressed who has been struggling with injustice and corruption for a long time. A protagonist is a man who lives his life as per his conscience and does not hesitate to speak out against wrongdoings.

His parents were also one such people, but he is constantly hounded by government officials. It is only when this protagonist meets other resourceful individuals who share similar views does he realize that they have nothing in common except for the desire to fight for justice, equality, and freedom. 

The plot thickens when political figures involved in some nefarious activities are assassinated by a mysterious group - 'the rebels'. How these characters find themselves connected in this conspiracy is what forms the crux of the story.

It has the makings of a suspenseful page-turner, but it also uses fiction as a mirror to the society we live in. The climax is set up in a dramatic and exciting way.

There is no doubt that this book will appeal to readers who enjoy reading thrillers, mystery novels, or spy stories. Readers who like to delve deep into the human psyche and understand why people act the way they do will greatly benefit from this read. 



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Srinivasan Gopal Chari

Srinivasan G. Chari

Srinivasan Chari comprises over a decade and a half of the far-reaching exposure in content areas, writing from features and editorials to the humongous world of corporate communications tools.

He has been consummate with crafting Advertorials, Press Releases, Presentations, Authored Articles, Business Writing, Content Writing and Development, and so on. He has been proactive towards contributing to Corporate Organizations and Publications; besides, his involvement in Public Relations, Press & Media Communication, and Co-ordinations, and so on, for NGOs and Institutions.  

His works have been published in India and overseas. 
A Fiction “Me- Blue Magic” 
A Creative - Critiquing Essay – “Cow On The Ice” 
Also, published in a Literary Magazine in 
North Carolina, USA. 

