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Uplift Your Life

Author Name: Shaheel Rafique | Format: Hardcover | Genre : Self-Help | Other Details

Shaheel Rafique’s guide to Freelance Consulting cracks the code for becoming a successful freelance consultant in the public and private sector and at the same time have a fulfilling life. It is one of those books about a niche profession. The book is for those brave hearts that want to become a Freelance Consultant and work around the world, see places and experience different cultures.  The book is not just about a profession but a way of life and a livelihood. It is based on the premise that there will be a huge demand for consultants, and freelancing will be part of the future of work. The author has worked in several countries in Africa, Asia, South East Asia, Europe and the Middle East and draws his experience in this book as a brief page turner, which will provide you the following:

·        An understanding about freelance consulting

·        Knowledge and skills that are required to be a successful consultant

·        The things you need to know and do that are more important than tools and techniques

·        The tactics, strategies and framework for a successful career in consulting

·        How to find work and generate business

·        Finally, it shows you how to look after yourself when you hit the road in your profession

·        Number of other books are referred by the author in the different sections of the book, which are a must read for consultants.



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Shaheel Rafique

Dr. Shaheel Rafique, received his PhD degree in Agricultural Economics from The University of Reading. He is also a PMP from the Project Management Institute, USA.  He was one of those Rhodes Trust Felix Scholars from India. He has worked in academics, in the private sector,  UN World Food Program and the International Fund For Agricultural Development (IFAD). He is as freelance consultant and has worked in 12 countries in Asia, South East Asia, Middle East, and Africa for the past 25 years. He works out of Bangaluru and Moscow.

