Prashant Dixit

Prashant Dixit is passionate about learning and sharing. He grew as a manager quite early in his career and has been into various leadership positions which provided him opportunities to learn about human sense in performance management. He has worked in companies like TCS, Avaya, HP, HPE, DXC, CISCO and is currently working at Druva. His interest in psychology and philosophy for the past 18 years have helped him see the relationship between performance and employee behaviors. He is a certified hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, Reiki and Pranic healer. He has varied interests and spends his tமேலும் வாசிக்க...


The Top Performer

Books by Prashant Dixit

You are fired when you are least expecting it.

Do you know you are the last one to know if your name is on the list to fire?

You just get a call and it’s over. All your responsibilities all of a sudden feel too heavy and your knees go weak. 

Even today, while you hold this book, can you guarantee the no one is thinking to let you go?

Sounds scary? It’s an ugly reality. Unless you are a performing asset, the above statements can

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உங்கள் சுயவிவரத்தைத் திருத்த

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Prashant Dixit's Author Page - Notion Press | India's largest book publisher

Prashant Dixit

Prashant Dixit is passionate about learning and sharing. He grew as a manager quite early in his career and has been into various leadership positions which provided him opportunities to learn about human sense in performance management. He has worked in companies like TCS, Avaya, HP, HPE, DXC, CISCO and is currently working at Druva. His interest in psychology and philosophy for the past 18 years have helped him see the relationship between performance and employee behaviors. He is a certified hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, Reiki and Pranic healer. He has varied interests and spends his tமேலும் வாசிக்க...


The Top Performer

Books by Prashant Dixit

You are fired when you are least expecting it.

Do you know you are the last one to know if your name is on the list to fire?

You just get a call and it’s over. All your responsibilities all of a sudden feel too heavy and your knees go weak. 

Even today, while you hold this book, can you guarantee the no one is thinking to let you go?

Sounds scary? It’s an ugly reality. Unless you are a performing asset, the above statements can

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உங்கள் சுயவிவரத்தைத் திருத்த

படக்கோப்பின் அதிகபட்ச அளவு: 5 MB
ஏற்கும் படக்கோப்பு வடிவம்: .jpg, .jpeg, .png.