Creative Pens

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Parenting Skills

Books by Dr. Vinay Bhole

Education in India was based on the system developed by Lord Macaulay in British India. It has been instrumental in shaping generations in independent India. Gradually a transition took place in which education gradually became privatised and commercialised to a great extent. The role of teachers evolved and their relationship with students underwent a significant change.
Dr. Vinay Bhole with his extensive academic experience of three decades has witnessed

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Rejuvenating Indian Thought Process

Books by Vaidehi Daptardar

‘Rejuvenating Indian Thought Process’ is a logical presentation of Indian Thinkers’ Philosophy about ‘Integral Humanism’, ‘Hind Swaraj’, and ‘Third Way’. Indian leaders like Swami Vivekanand, Lokmanya Tilak, Mahatma Gandhi and Deendayal Upadhyay are the ‘treasure troves of knowledge’ having no boundaries of time and place.  The book analytically establishes the relevance of thoughts of visi

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Books by इशा कुलकर्णी

‘अंतरंग’ या कविता संग्रहात मानवी भावभावनांचे मनोहारी चित्रण आहे. विविध आशय-विषयांवरील या कविता वाचकांना आपल्याच कविता भासतील. आनंद, उत्साह, विरह, दुःख, प्रेम, मानवता, चैतन्य

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Books by Shaurya Kadam

Two thousand years ago Prostheto, the prince of England, was bestowed with special powers of the elements by The Goddess of the Gardens. When betrayed by his own sons, he stored all his powers in the seven elemental necklaces and a ring and dispersed them across the Earth.

A madman is vying for these powers to control the world and bring peace to it. Whereas dark forces are plotting to claim these super powers.

But nature has chosen the brave a

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Books by डॉ. विनय भोळे

काळाच्या ओघात वैदिक धर्माच्या मूळ परंपरेला छेद देत स्वार्थ साधण्यासाठी राजसत्ता आणि धर्मसत्ता यांनी कधी एकत्र येत, कधी एकमेकांच्या विरोधात जात तर कधी परस्परांवर कुरघोडी करत

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Books by डॉ. विनय भोळे

आजच्या जगात परवलीचे शब्द ठरलेल्या व्यवस्थापन, प्रशासन, जागतिकीकरण, आर्थिक धोरणं यांमधील अनेक मूलतत्वांची प्राचीन, पौराणिक, ऐतिहासिक घटनांशी व दंतकथांशी सुयोग्य सांगड घालता

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Books by Rudrani Sharma

Natasha is a shy, lonely girl, who loves watching movies, reading books and daydreaming . . . She is crestfallen as her thirteenth birthday turns out to be a blunder, where everything goes wrong!
But a magical twist lands her in Crystopia—a dream come true—where she meets the Queen herself. But things are not as they seem.She finds herself teaming up with Luke and Mia in a quest to defeat the evil powers controlling Crystopia.
Crystopia is

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कुटुंब शक्ती

Books by चेतन जोशी

आनंदी आणि सुखसमृद्धीचे जीवन जगणे हा प्रत्येक मानवाचा मुलभूत अधिकार आहे. श्रीमंत होणे, नावलौकिक मिळविणे आणि सुखी व संपन्न जीवन जगणे ह्या दोन गोष्टी भिन्न आहेत. पैसा कमविणे आणि न

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Books by मनोज पापरीकर

गर्भावस्था ही एक नैसर्गिक व आनंददायी प्रक्रिया आहे. स्त्रीला निसर्गाने दिलेली मातृत्वाची ती एक अनमोल देणगी आहे. त्यामुळे गर्भधारणा झाल्याचे कळल्यावर जबाबदारीच्या जाणीवेने

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Books by Rijak Kaur Sarla

Rijak Kaur Sarla is a budding poet studying in grade nine. She has been schooling at different locations across the country by virtue of her Dad’s professional commitments.

Studying in varied places like Dharamshala in Himachal to Nashik in Maharashtra, she has imbibed the sights, sounds and cultures of these places. The keen observations and poetic mind has metamorphosed into innumerable poems that she has penned.

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Pregnancy is a physiological condition. It involves a lot of emotional and physical stress on the lady. If she is not aware of what to expect, it adds to the burden. With the breakdown of joint families, the ready reckoner knowledge handed over generations, is not available to her. Hence the couple is under extreme duress, not knowing what to do. This handbook of pregnancy attempts to put all her common doubts and troubles at rest. It provides a ready refer

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Books by Manoj Paprikar

It's a collection of paintings by Dr. Mukund Paprikar over a span of last 5 decades. A hobbyist painter who has taken his hobby very seriously and has had number of exhibitions to his credit. A

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The Last EarthShip and other stories

Books by Manoj Paprikar

This book is a collection of short stories of different genres. It has got elements of surprise, adventure, suspense, sci-fi and romance. It will definitely appeal to readers of all ages. It is sure to keep you engrossed and entertained.Happy reading.

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Jarawa : Sullied Blood

By Creative Pens in General Literary | Reads: 352 | Likes: 1

Andaman Trunk road, NH2, Andaman and Nicobar islands, India. The Jarawas are the aboriginal tribe of the Andaman islands, who were residents of the islands even before the outside world had known of their existence. They had migrated  70,000 years back from the African mainland; still holding o  Read More...

Published on May 19,2020 10:28 PM

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