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A Far Cry from Nerbintown

Author Name: M J Nieves | Format: Paperback | Genre : Young Adult Fiction | Other Details

The peace that was held between the City and the Town came to an end when Mr. Jackson was forced into sending 20 of his men, including his son Gerald, to work for the Mayor. The horrors of the City began to amplify, witnessing the various atrocities committed by the Mayor and his puppets. This story is more than just a story of freedom, as Gerald begins to see the essence of a far superior plan at work, interwoven with mystery.  



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M J Nieves

Growing up with a lot of books by his bed, M J Nieves, now, super imposes his stack of stories on paper. Adventure fiction is what he holds dear to his heart, hoping to thrill his audience with stories and narratives, expanding the walls of imagination. Through the various books churned out, he intends on walking the reader down a lane of fiction with ethics, ensuring that the children of this generation continues reading healthily 



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