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Beyond Brick and Mortar Unveiling the Soul of India's Street Food

Author Name: Foodity (P) Limited | Format: Paperback | Genre : Business, Investing & Management | Other Details

Step into the heart of India's vibrant and bustling street food culture with Beyond Brick and Mortar. In this enlightening journey through the alleys and bylanes of the country, team Foodity serves up a delectable blend of economic insights, personal narratives, and a tantalizing exploration of the top street food vendors that define the essence of Indian street cuisine.

Uncover the secrets behind the sizzling pans and bubbling cauldrons as the book delves into the on-the-ground economics of the street food market. From the sizzling aroma of spicy chaat to the mouthwatering allure of crisp dosas, each dish tells a story of resilience, innovation, and the indomitable spirit of the street vendors who bring these flavors to life.

Through gripping anecdotes and firsthand accounts, the book introduces you to the unsung heroes behind the food stalls, whose stories are as rich and diverse as the dishes they serve. From the narrow lanes of Old Delhi to the bustling markets of Mumbai, we go beyond the superficial, offering readers a nuanced understanding of the challenges and triumphs faced by these culinary artisans.

But the journey doesn't stop there. Beyond Brick and Mortar unveils the ultimate street food bucket list—the top 10 street food vendors in India. From crispy kachoris to piping hot jalebis, these vendors have mastered the art of transforming simple ingredients into gastronomic delights.

Whether you're a food enthusiast, a traveler seeking authentic experiences, or someone curious about the economic underpinnings of street food, this book is your passport to a world where each bite tells a tale.



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Foodity (P) Limited

The creative force driving this gastronomic odyssey is the dynamic team Foodity—India’s foremost top-1% street food venture. Headed by serial entrepreneur Aditya S Kapur, renowned for pioneering solution-led businesses, the team is completed by the seasoned designer Vrinda Arora and the creative researcher Samya Modi.

Together, the Foodity team blends business acumen, design expertise, and creative research to deliver a culinary masterpiece that goes beyond the plate, offering readers an insightful and immersive experience into the rich tapestry of India’s street food market.

