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Feathers on My Wings. Building Blocks for High Flying Global Career

Author Name: Vivek Puranik | Format: Paperback | Genre : Business, Investing & Management | Other Details

Unlock the secrets to a thriving global corporate career with this captivating and essential book. Tailored for ambitious young individuals, it unravels the mysteries behind achieving unparalleled success in the corporate world. You no longer need to wonder why some of your peers effortlessly climb the ladder while you struggle to find footing.

Within these pages, you will discover indispensable wisdom that transcends borders and prepares you for the challenges ahead. Ideal for students in countries where college education falls short in preparing them for job readiness, this book equips you with the fundamental skills needed to unleash your full potential. Written in a refreshingly straightforward style, it draws upon the author's first-hand experiences and accomplishments.

Consider this book your personal mentor, offering guidance and insights that propel you towards becoming a coveted diamond in the market. No shortcuts or gimmicks, just a clear path to success. So, if you yearn to soar high and make your mark on the global stage, grab your copy of Feathers on My Wings today. Let its empowering words become the wind beneath your wings as you embark on an extraordinary journey of professional growth and achievement.



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Vivek Puranik

Vivek Puranik is a USA-based author with over 27 years of experience in working with global elevator corporations in the USA, Italy, India, and the Middle East. He is a published poet and is passionate about mentoring young talent. His book Feathers on My Wings reflects his sincere and passionate wisdom gained from both successes and failures. Vivek holds a master's degree in management and an engineering degree from India.



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