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How To Have A Healthy, White Smile

Author Name: Nishant Baxi | Format: Paperback | Genre : Health & Fitness | Other Details

They say that the eyes are the "windows to the soul."  If that is the case, then the smile must be the doorway.  Think about it for a moment.  Have you ever wondered how many times you will smile or laugh in your lifetime?   Does it matter?

It can matter a great deal if you are one of the millions of Americans who hide their mouth in shame rather than letting their inner joy reflect outward.

Nothing lets the world know more about us than the way we project ourselves on our surroundings and other people. 

Whatever the condition of your smile today, it can be changed.  We are about to show you how. 



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Nishant Baxi

I am an experienced content creator and digital/social media marketing professional with a demonstrated history of working in the publishing industry. Skilled in E-Learning, Market Research, Online Advertising, Management, and Business Development, Content Development.

