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Author Name: SUMEET KUMAR | Format: Paperback | Genre : Young Adult Fiction | Other Details

Time seems like a hit for everyone, say that they are humans, these animals, we are very far from our existence on this earth and its reality also comes in front of us when we try to avoid our past. 

 By the way this story is neither related to the past nor to anyone's time because the words of the words never come in front of the heart because she knows that the reality is within me but I am not going to come out. 

This story is not only a little different, but it is very different, this story is that hero whose dreams are big but his fate is very small in front of those dreams, he says that he should get all the happiness of the world for which he is made but in reality, the fate of any person in the world is not so big that he says that he will get it at that time.



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Sumeet Kumar , A adult who experiences many phases of life , a well known writer and a writer of new era . In reality he is a writter as well as singer (as a hobby) and a standup comedian . Very exciting and interesting fact about him is that he is author of New era i.e. he starts his journey of writing at the age when he was going to schools to get the study . His streak of 200 books will be the great achievement for him in future. 

Singer , Writer , Rapper , Poet , Standup Comedian , Quote Writer. Some of his famous Podcasts available on Spotify @Brokenheart



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