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NEED YOUR SHELTER walking memories

Author Name: SUMIT KUMAR | Format: Paperback | Genre : Young Adult Fiction | Other Details


Every secret  has a special thing that they do not tell anything about their character and do not tell until there is a storm in their life .

This story is also about a storm whose life is captured in a box and also in the city of cursed  in the Black Valley where the story of JAMANTA  started and also a story of two magical worlds which are very different from each other and they are different because one wants blood and the other wants black powers . .



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Sumeet Kumar , A adult who experiences many phases of life , a well known writer and a writer of new era . In reality he is a writter as well as singer (as a hobby) and a standup comedian . Very exciting and interesting fact about him is that he is author of New era i.e. he starts his journey of writing at the age when he was going to schools to get the study . His streak of 200 books will be the great achievement for him in future. 



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