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The Emerald Legacy Preserving the Island's Rich History

Author Name: S Abinaya | Format: Paperback | Genre : Young Adult Fiction | Other Details

         "The Emerald Legacy" takes readers on an exhilarating adventure to a beautiful island with a rich history. Through the eyes of a group of teenage friends seeking adventure, readers will discover the island's natural beauty, its mysterious past, and the challenges faced in uncovering its secrets.

        The friends find themselves caught up in a mystery as they venture deeper into the island, facing obstacles such as treasure hunters and treacherous waters. As they navigate their way through the unknown, they discover an ancient emerald artifact with immense historical significance. The friends understand the importance of preserving history and culture, and their journey becomes a quest to safeguard the island's heritage.

        Throughout their adventure, the friends learn valuable lessons about the power of friendship, the need to  safeguard cultural heritage, and the importance of bravery and  determination in the face of adversity.

        "The Emerald Legacy" is an engaging and thought-provoking story that will take readers on a journey of discovery and inspire them to think about the significance of preserving our shared cultural heritage.
               This book is perfect for young adults who love adventure and are curious about the world around them.



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S Abinaya

       Abinaya is a young author born on August 20, 2007, in India. She discovered her love for writing at a young age and has been crafting stories ever since. She has written her first novel and her second book "The Emerald Legacy - Preserving the Island's rich history. In addition to writing, she enjoys reading, painting, and exploring new creative pursuits. She is deeply passionate about the arts and finds inspiration in the world around her.

       She lives with her parents M Suresh, T Vanitha and younger sister S Akshaya, who have been supportive of her writing  journey. She draws on her personal experiences and the world around her to create characters and stories that resonate with readers. With her passion for storywriting and dedication to her art, her debut novel shows great promise.

