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The Seven Pearls Life Transforming Tales of Women

Author Name: Debolina Das | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

In our fast-paced life, sometimes we just feel like stopping and pondering. Pondering takes us back through memory lanes and makes us relive and revisit the experiences we have encountered in our life. This book is a mirror of such pondering that I did when my terribly busy life as an aviator and a mother came to a standstill during the pandemic. The seven short stories in this book are experiences of different women in different age groups, whom I have met and been intrigued by. Some of these experiences are unique, while some are common, nevertheless, I felt both kinds are worthy of sharing. That is what I have done in my first attempt to write a book. These stories reflect how in many ways, known or unknown a woman’s life is affected by the people she comes across. This book is also a gift I am presenting myself on my 40th birthday to celebrate daydreaming and pondering.



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Debolina Das

Capt Debolina Das is a commander, flying for a domestic liner for the past five years. She was also an ex-Indian Airforce pilot and served the airforce for 10 years in various flying missions. She is a mother of a 10-year-old highly energetic rockstar, who keeps her on her toes when she is not flying. After living out of Kolkata for 16 years, she is back in her hometown and well settled in her city. She feels a special bond with Kolkata and is now actively getting involved in social reform schemes for her city. Though she did her engineering in a reputed college in Bangalore she chose to join the IAF to serve her nation. She loves to explore and introspect about the lives and nature of humans and feels that in today’s life there is an eminent need for people to connect, not through social media but in person.



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