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Wings of the Pegasus

Author Name: Swapnil Joshi | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

It’s a winding road of shadows and darkness… Are you still lost in it?

July, 2066. The city of Samrichts was still reeling from the terrorist attack that happened three years earlier. Surrounded by what felt like a crumbling civilization, Pegasus Kate Cassidy stared at her beloved city. Being tasked with rescuing the remnants of humanity was a tall order—something that was expected from a Pegasus. The number of minds wishing her failure was plentiful, and their influence ran deeper than most realized. It was indeed a path filled with darkness.

Sprinting towards the city she adored, Kate Cassidy was sure of one thing—no one in the world could slow down her stride.



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Swapnil Joshi

Swapnil Joshi is a 21-year-old author from Korba, Chhattisgarh. He has been writing books since he was 15 years old, and his first published book released in 2014. With four completed novels under his belt, he continues to write stories about a world that is yet to reveal all of its secrets. Wings of the Pegasus marks his third novel about this world, with a brand new protagonist in a futuristic setting. As of September 2019, Swapnil is currently penning his fifth book, which would likely see completion in early 2020.

