Facebook groups for authors

5 Groups Every Aspiring Author Needs To Be Part Of

For all you aspiring authors out there, writing an entire book from start to finish can be extremely challenging and quite taxing especially if you are doing it all on your own. There will inevitably be moments where you struggle to keep up the motivation levels, whether you are dealing with a writer’s block,  require a fresh perspective or just need to make sense of the ideas in your head. Whatever the reason, online writing groups can be a great way for writers to connect, trade advice, swap stories and find new opportunities. The fact that there are other like-minded people out there who not only “get” what it’s like to be a writer but also understand the struggles and challenges that you are going through can be hugely comforting. 


We scoured the depths of the internet and social media to find the 5 most helpful and active writing groups that help writers and authors alike. Do check them out and join them right away.

  • Writers Helping Writers
    This is one of the most helpful groups for budding writers and published authors alike. It gives you the perfect platform to connect, learn and share experiences with a large community of writers, established authors, publishers and agents. From sharing experiences to getting tips and suggestions on your book cover or plot, you can do it all here.
  • The Write Life Community
    The write life community is a Facebook group where writers of all experiences share their experiences, struggles, challenges and support one and other. With close to 37,000 group members, the group is highly active.
  • Kindle Authors Helping Authors
    This active Facebook group not only helps budding writers and authors with ideas on writing and publishing but also supports published authors with book reviews, promotions on Kindle and other marketing opportunities. Majority of the 5 thousand strong group are already published authors on Kindle.
  • Indie Authors International
    This is an open Facebook Group for  Independent writers, authors and all content creators to connect with each other and share experiences.
  • The Street Team
    This is a Facebook community aimed at helping self-published authors market and promote their books to a larger audience. This is a great place to get suggestions, tips and tricks that could help boost the visibility for your book to the right readers.

No matter where you are in your publishing journey, I would strongly advise you to join these groups right away. Good luck!


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Sushant Satish

A massive football junkie and a travel enthusiast who gets easily inspired by new business ideas and spends his spare time thinking up various ideas of his own that can impact the world for the better, hoping to someday implement them all.

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