Affect vs Effect Explained

When it comes to writing, the misuse of certain words can lead to confusion for even the most experienced writers. Two such words are the homophones “affect” and “effect” - both sound similar, but they actually have very different meanings. In addition, the two words can also be used as verbs or nouns. This blog article will explain the difference between affect and effect in detail so that you can use ...

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What is Irony? Explanation with Examples

Have you ever read a book or watched a movie and noticed something strange? Something that seemed to be the opposite of what was expected, but still made perfect sense? If so, then chances are you’ve experienced irony - one of the most powerful literary devices in storytelling. The irony is defined as “the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic ...

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What is Plot? A Storytelling Guide for Writers

If you’re a writer, then you know that plot is essential. But what exactly is the plot? And how do you create one that will keep your readers engaged until the very end? In this article, we’ll explore the definition of a plot, and we’ll offer tips on how to create an engaging and satisfying story arc. So whether you’re writing a novel, a play, or even a short story, read ...

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What is Symbolism? Explanation with Examples

In literature, art, and other creative works, symbolism signifies the use of certain symbols to represent a deeper meaning. These symbols can be anything from characters and setting to colors and objects. Understanding symbolism and using it effectively is essential for all writers. In this article, we will get started on exploring what is symbolism and delving into using the same in your writing. What is symbolism? Understanding the use ...

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What are Literary Devices? Explanation with Examples

Literary devices are tools that writers use to create the desired effect in their writing. There are many different types of literary devices, and each one has its unique purpose. By understanding what these devices are and how to use them, you can make your writing more powerful and effective. In this article, we will discuss what literary devices are, the different types of literary devices, and how to use them ...

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What is an Epilogue? Explanation with Examples

What follows the ending of your book? At times, you may find that your ending needs to be accompanied by a concluding piece that offers closure- an epilogue. In this article, we will look at understanding what is an epilogue and how to write an engaging epilogue. Let's get started. What is an epilogue? Understanding the purpose of epilogues Understanding the importance of epilogues Difference between an epilogue and an ...

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What is Proofreading and how you can do it?

Proofreading is the process of reviewing and correcting text for errors, typos, and inconsistencies. It is an important step in the editing process and can help to improve the overall quality of a document. Proofreading can be done by hand or using a proofreading tool or software. In this article, we will discuss how to proofread text manually, as well as how to use a proofreading tool or software. What ...

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How to use Grammarly for Effective Writing- A Guide

If you’re a writer, then you know that good grammar is essential for effective writing. But even the best writers sometimes make mistakes, and that’s where Grammarly comes in. Grammarly is a powerful online tool that helps writers detect and correct grammar mistakes, ensuring that their writing is always polished and error-free. Grammarly offers the free version and premium version which users can access according to their needs. This article will help ...

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Shaping Story Structures: A Guide for Writers

Every story, regardless of its medium or genre, has a structure. This is the backbone that gives your story form and coherence. It’s what makes your characters come alive on the page and drives the plot forward. But what is story structure? How do you go about shaping your own story? And how can you use different structures to enhance your writing? In this article, we’ll explore different types of story structures ...

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What is a Paradox? Explanation with Examples

You've probably heard of the term "paradox." But what exactly does it mean? Simply put, a paradox is a statement that seems to contradict itself. However, upon closer inspection, the statement contains a hidden truth. In this article, we'll take a look at understanding paradoxes and explore what is a paradox in detail. By understanding Paradoxes, you can add an extra layer of depth to your writing. Let's get started! ...

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A guide to understanding what is a metaphor

What is a Metaphor- A Guide for Writers

Metaphors are some of the most powerful tools in a writer's arsenal. They can be used to make an idea more concrete, to create images that linger in the reader's mind long after they've finished reading, and to add nuance and depth to a story. But how do you use them effectively? And what is a metaphor, exactly? In this article, we'll explore these questions and more. We'll start by discussing ...

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Publish with Notion Press

What is the Notion Press Publishing Platform?   This publishing platform allows you to publish your book as a paperback. We give you complete creative control over your book. With the help of our tools, you can design your book cover and interior too! Along with this, you earn 70% royalties on the sale of your book.    Once printed, your book will be available worldwide on all leading e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, ...

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The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days

The idea of writing an entire book from start to finish can seem like one of the most challenging tasks any writer has faced in their life. So much so that most of them give up even before they get started. And a majority of them, who push through their initial inhibitions, gradually start losing their motivation at some point due to a poor execution plan. Let's be honest, writing ...

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Notion Press helps you write your book

The question writers are most afraid of, and probably are asked all the time – how's the writing going? It is, after all, the toughest part of publishing a book. You can ask any author, and the answer is usually the same. Writing is the hardest part. Our main goal at Notion Press is to make publishing an accessible, enjoyable and easy process for authors. And since writing is where it ...

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writers pintrest boards

25 Inspiring Pinterest Boards For Writers

Many of us have a preconceived notion about Pinterest. We think Pinterest is only beneficial to designers, photographers, fashion bloggers, artists and the like. However, Pinterest boards are an amazing platform for writers too. Writers can use creative Pinterest boards not only to promote their articles or books and establish a brand for themselves, but also for the great platform of inspiration that it is. You will find a treasure trove of fascinating pins ...

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how to stop procrastinating

5 Ways To Stop Procrastinating When You Cannot See What Is Ahead

When one decides to be a writer, they are treading uncharted waters. They must be responsible and must complete the work their book demands, while meeting a set target. Bestselling author, Stephen King, writes 2,000 words per day and allows himself to not meet his target only under dire circumstances. He completes a 180,000 word novel in three months! Before becoming a successful author, it can be hard to keep ...

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writing children stories

How To Write Stories That Children Will Love Reading

  Stories are an integral part of one’s childhood. Most of us grew up reading and listening to tales of valour, courage and bravery, such as Ramayana and Mahabharata, and they are still engraved in every child’s memory. A well-written story will capture one’s imagination and stay in their memory for a long time. Children usually remember the stories from their childhood for the rest of their lives; hence, story writing ...

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writing mistakes

Five Mistakes to Avoid While Writing a Literary Series

  A literary series is a celebrated form of literature that millions of readers around the world enjoy. A series can belong to any genre from science fiction to fantasy or romance to crime fiction. There are some books that pop into your mind the moment you hear the word ‘literary series’ – Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, The Lord of the Rings, Twilight, Divergent or A Game of Thrones series ...

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how to wite a novel

How to Write a Novel – The Definitive Guide

How to write a novel- The Definitive Guide Do you have loads of interesting stories to tell and a way with words? If so, you’ve already crossed two of the biggest hurdles on your road to becoming an author. If you’re passionate about writing a novel, don’t just jump the gun and start putting pen to paper. Take your time and educate yourself on how to write a novel. Many elements go into ...

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