The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Writer

The thrill of gazing outside your window from a writer’s desk and clanking away at your keyboard is unparalleled. The adrenaline rush you feel at the mingling of words into illustrious stories is a feeling like no other. Unfortunately, once you’ve zapped yourself away from the romanticisation of what it means to be a writer, you discover what it really means to be a writer. Here’s the good news: the ...

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Publishing: How Does It Work?

How does publishing with Notion Press work? Notion Press allows you to set up your book within 30 minutes by uploading and editing your details before you hit publish. The information you enter into the detail page will help in creating your book. You can choose to publish your book in paperback format and make exclusive choices for your book size, format, and cover design! This is perhaps the easiest and ...

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Guide to Editing a Nonfiction Book

“The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads.” Dr Seuss   Nonfiction usually begins with an epic idea that flows unimpeded from your mind. You write pages and pages, pouring your mind and heart into a story you want to share with the world. Before you know it, you have a book that maps out your experiences into a sublime text!    But, apart ...

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Guide to Understand On-demand Book Printing

We can all agree there’s no feeling akin to holding a paperback or a hardcover book - the musky aroma of aged books, the touch of well-thumbed pages, and even the cathartic sound of flipping through pages one at a time. Lost in the land of our imagination, the experience of reading is elevated by holding a book between our palms. But, there are several steps that take place before ...

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How To: Editing your Book for Publishing

Here’s the good news - once you have your first draft in front of you, the hardest part about writing is over. The joy of completing your manuscript is truly unparalleled. But the moment you sit back and sigh in relief, you realise there is another mountain to climb in the process of writing a book - editing.   Editing is perhaps the most vital step to ensure your book is going ...

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Guide to Writing and Publishing a Non-fiction Book

Most writers agree that writing a non-fiction book is easier than writing a fiction book. While fiction writers often draw inspiration from their imagination, non-fiction writers focus on real-life stories and facts that make for highly inspiring and motivating stories. When you pick a personal and interesting topic, the writing process is an absolute delight!   Not sure how to start writing your non-fiction book? Here are a few popular types of non-fiction ...

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Beginners Guide to Write and Publish a Short Story

I understand why Murakami chose to compare the writing of a short story with planting a garden. A short story reads like a breezy walk in the garden. Every word is thoughtfully chosen; every character has great significance. While writing a short story,  if you don’t pay close attention to the blooming Chrysanthemums and fragrant Jasmines, is it going to be a memorable walk? But when you have about 5000 words ...

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Guide to Becoming Successful Instagram Poets

Instagram began as a convenient app that allows people to share memories in the form of photographs. Its square-grid format instantly became popular. It rapidly grew into a platform that combines photos, micro-blogging, and instant messaging. But, in recent years, Instagram poets have turned into social media megastars by using this platform to share free-format poetry. Names such as Rupi Kaur, Atticus, r.m. drake, Nayyirah Waheed, and Lang Leav come ...

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Guide to Publishing your Poetry Book

Many years ago, famous poets such as T.S Elliot and Wallace Stevens took on a bevy of odd jobs before they became legendary poets. Back in the 1900s opting for a career as a poet instantly made you the laughing stock of your group. As a result, it was impossible to earn your bread and butter by writing poetry. The idea of publishing your poetry book was rare. But, in ...

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Ultimate Guide to Publish a Fiction Book

Fiction books help you travel the world without moving an inch from your home. They propel the reader’s imagination and make for an ideal means of escapism! The power of fiction books creates unparalleled narratives.    Writing a story that you want to share with the world is not an easy task. It takes time and effort. Once you have penned a story that you are proud of, the next crucial step ...

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How film professional Karthik Kumar became a thought leader after his book on startups

Where it all started The name Karthik Kumar needs no introduction to anyone who follows the entertainment industry in India - From starring in mega-hit movies to making people laugh their guts out with his stand up comedy, there is nothing much he hasn't accomplished. Karthik Kumar, however, is also one of the pioneers of the idea of an entertainment startup, way before even AIB and SnG were household names. Fondly ...

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Keeping the art of storytelling alive during a pandemic – How Notion Press helped writers connect with readers during a nationwide lockdown

It’s been a whirlwind of a last few weeks for us here at Notion Press. While the whole world was coming to grips with one of the deadliest pandemics we have ever seen, we had to act fast and shift our focus from what was nothing short of a phenomenal start to the new decade where we published more than 2,100 books in the first two months of 2020, to ...

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Getting Reviews For Your Book – Top Book Reviewers, Bloggers and Platforms in India

Have you ever thought of how readers discover new books they want to read? Although technology has helped the book industry develop by leaps and bounds over the last decade, word of mouth remains one of the biggest factors that sells books even today. Meaning the majority of modern-day readers are more comfortable picking up new books that others have read, like and recommend, instead of having to make the ...

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Setting new heights for publishing in India – Last month at Notion Press

  We had a phenomenal start to the new decade in January when we set the tone for the future by publishing more than 1000 books in a single month. Moving into February, our agenda for the foreseeable future was clear. Not only did we want to push the boundaries further and make publishing more accessible than it has ever been in this country, but we also wanted to start laying ...

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How first-time author Hardik Joshi sold more than 10,000 copies of his book

Entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Thumbs Up Foundation Dr Hardik Joshi left his successful career a few years ago to live his dream and passion of being a motivational speaker, trainer and writer. In what turned out to be one of the most significant moments in his new life, Dr Hardik decided to write and publish his first book - How to develop a never give up attitude just a ...

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How Notion Press published more than 1000 first-time writers in 1 month

It has been a phenomenal start to the year for us at Notion Press. We published an astounding 1018 books in the month of January and are on track to beat that number in February. To put that into perspective - That is one book published every 35 mins! So how exactly did an eight-year-old publishing startup, with a team of just under 200 manage this feat? In order to understand ...

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Notion Press helps you write your book

The question writers are most afraid of, and probably are asked all the time – how's the writing going? It is, after all, the toughest part of publishing a book. You can ask any author, and the answer is usually the same. Writing is the hardest part. Our main goal at Notion Press is to make publishing an accessible, enjoyable and easy process for authors. And since writing is where it ...

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Authors should have a Facebook Interest List

Tutorial: How to create Facebook posts using Book Postr

Social Media is a game changer for authors. It provides a platform for authors to not only connect with their readers but also keep them engaged. Having said that, it takes considerable time and effort, to get your social strategy just right. Authors must be active, available at all times and constantly engage their readers with relevant content. People are on social media to consume content. They are consuming content ...

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Book Publishing Industry

42 Mind-Blowing Facts About The Book Publishing Industry

The book publishing industry has been around for generations, constantly pulling out some of the worlds finest reads. From old-school scriptures to new-age digital ink, the methods of publishing have evolved and so have the many writing tools. Along the way, the book publishing industry has produced some of the wackiest, funniest, coolest and most amazing incidents. If you're the sort of writer who enjoys fact-finding as a method of researching ...

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