Shaping Story Structures: A Guide for Writers

Every story, regardless of its medium or genre, has a structure. This is the backbone that gives your story form and coherence. It’s what makes your characters come alive on the page and drives the plot forward. But what is story structure? How do you go about shaping your own story? And how can you use different structures to enhance your writing? In this article, we’ll explore different types of story structures ...

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What is a Paradox? Explanation with Examples

You've probably heard of the term "paradox." But what exactly does it mean? Simply put, a paradox is a statement that seems to contradict itself. However, upon closer inspection, the statement contains a hidden truth. In this article, we'll take a look at understanding paradoxes and explore what is a paradox in detail. By understanding Paradoxes, you can add an extra layer of depth to your writing. Let's get started! ...

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The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Writer

The thrill of gazing outside your window from a writer’s desk and clanking away at your keyboard is unparalleled. The adrenaline rush you feel at the mingling of words into illustrious stories is a feeling like no other. Unfortunately, once you’ve zapped yourself away from the romanticisation of what it means to be a writer, you discover what it really means to be a writer. Here’s the good news: the ...

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Guide to Editing a Nonfiction Book

“The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads.” Dr Seuss   Nonfiction usually begins with an epic idea that flows unimpeded from your mind. You write pages and pages, pouring your mind and heart into a story you want to share with the world. Before you know it, you have a book that maps out your experiences into a sublime text!    But, apart ...

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Publish with Notion Press

What is the Notion Press Publishing Platform?   This publishing platform allows you to publish your book as a paperback. We give you complete creative control over your book. With the help of our tools, you can design your book cover and interior too! Along with this, you earn 70% royalties on the sale of your book.    Once printed, your book will be available worldwide on all leading e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, ...

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Guide to Understand On-demand Book Printing

We can all agree there’s no feeling akin to holding a paperback or a hardcover book - the musky aroma of aged books, the touch of well-thumbed pages, and even the cathartic sound of flipping through pages one at a time. Lost in the land of our imagination, the experience of reading is elevated by holding a book between our palms. But, there are several steps that take place before ...

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How To: Editing your Book for Publishing

Here’s the good news - once you have your first draft in front of you, the hardest part about writing is over. The joy of completing your manuscript is truly unparalleled. But the moment you sit back and sigh in relief, you realise there is another mountain to climb in the process of writing a book - editing.   Editing is perhaps the most vital step to ensure your book is going ...

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Guide to Writing and Publishing a Non-fiction Book

Most writers agree that writing a non-fiction book is easier than writing a fiction book. While fiction writers often draw inspiration from their imagination, non-fiction writers focus on real-life stories and facts that make for highly inspiring and motivating stories. When you pick a personal and interesting topic, the writing process is an absolute delight!   Not sure how to start writing your non-fiction book? Here are a few popular types of non-fiction ...

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Beginners Guide to Write and Publish a Short Story

I understand why Murakami chose to compare the writing of a short story with planting a garden. A short story reads like a breezy walk in the garden. Every word is thoughtfully chosen; every character has great significance. While writing a short story,  if you don’t pay close attention to the blooming Chrysanthemums and fragrant Jasmines, is it going to be a memorable walk? But when you have about 5000 words ...

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How film professional Karthik Kumar became a thought leader after his book on startups

Where it all started The name Karthik Kumar needs no introduction to anyone who follows the entertainment industry in India - From starring in mega-hit movies to making people laugh their guts out with his stand up comedy, there is nothing much he hasn't accomplished. Karthik Kumar, however, is also one of the pioneers of the idea of an entertainment startup, way before even AIB and SnG were household names. Fondly ...

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How a chai seller from Bangalore raised AUD 14,000 to write a national best-seller – Indie and Proud

  Did you know that the number of graduates who pass out of engineering colleges in India roughly equates to twice the total population of Iceland? Fascinating right? According to professional speaker and author -  Adhitya Iyer, if engineering were a religion, it would be the 5th most populous religion in India. Life has come a long way for Adhitya since he left home for two years and travelled across the ...

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Facebook groups for authors

5 Groups Every Aspiring Author Needs To Be Part Of

For all you aspiring authors out there, writing an entire book from start to finish can be extremely challenging and quite taxing especially if you are doing it all on your own. There will inevitably be moments where you struggle to keep up the motivation levels, whether you are dealing with a writer’s block,  require a fresh perspective or just need to make sense of the ideas in your head. ...

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How To Write A Book

How to write a book It's a question that has been asked by writers and non-writers alike for years. And, while there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how to write a book, there are some basics that every author should know. So, whether you're just beginning your writing journey or you've been at it for a while and could use a refresher, this post is for you. Let's get started! Why ...

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best thriller novels to read

How to Write a Horror Novel

How to write a horror novel Are you a budding horror author looking to create a good horror story? Have you always wanted to write a novel that would scare your readers and leave them on the edge of their seats? If so, you can brace yourself to write horror. Here’s the ironic thing about horror novels: They are fun to read and even more so to write. Thinking up ideas ...

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balance writing

How to Balance Writing with your Day Job

  One of the crucial things that writers require and lack is time. With an incomplete novel idling at the desk, writers go through a tremendous pressure of completing it on time and getting it published as well. Now, most first-time authors are not celebrities; they are aspirants who have a powerful story in hand and want to get it out to readers. An average writer is an office-goer, who has ...

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How to Publish a Book

How to Publish a Book: The Ultimate Guide If you have always dreamed of publishing a book, but don't know where to start, then this is the guide for you. In this ultimate guide on how to publish a book, we will walk you through every step involved in the process, from idea to finished product. So whether you are an aspiring author or an experienced writer, read on for all ...

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