how to write a romance-fiction

6 Tips to Write a Bestselling Romance Novel

Love is a universal feeling that transcends regions, boundaries, languages, ethnicity, and now even gender. It’s the feel that everyone, throughout the world, can relate to. Perhaps, that’s the reason why romance-fiction is one of the most popular genres in writing. So, if you’ve chosen to write a romance novel, there may be just two reasons you want to tap into the vast market of romance-fiction readers or you have a love story, buried deep somewhere down in your heart, to tell. Whatever may the reason be, writing a bestselling romance novel is no easy task. Read on to learn the tips on how to write a romance-fiction.

How different is romance fiction from a love story?

Love stories, though not always, have a tragic ending. On the other hand romance novels have a happy ending. Simple as that!


Romance novels are all about creating a tingling sensation in the heart. It’s about feeding the soul. Now, all of us have emotions and feelings that come out at the right time. But as a writer, you need to have the skills to bring out the emotions into writing. A lot of writers fail in making an impact because of poorly woven words that least bring out the feel in readers. When readers can’t connect, they lose interest in reading. So, to develop your skill, you need to read. Read a lot of romance-fiction to learn how authors have managed to play around with words and stir emotions in our hearts.

Never jump POVs

Readers feel disconnected from their reading experience when there’s a change in the narration POV. If you keep switching point of views, you’ll have less chance to delve into the emotions the character experiences in the scene. Now, what the character experiences is what a reader experiences, too. So, keep switching POVs and you’ll never be able to write a resonating scene.

Characters need not be perfect

Perfect characters are boring. If your characters are too perfect, you lessen the chances for conflicts to develop. And as you know, conflicts create great romance fictions. So, create characters that are imperfect and let their imperfections pave way for bonding.

Romance-fictions have a Formula

Follow the formula that’s been in practice for over years the hero or the heroine falls in love, conflict arises between them, they are separated for times unknown, and finally they unite a couple of pages before the book ends. But here’s where things get tricky. The conflict that separates the couple should be believable and not be something that can be resolved over a phone call.

Cliched conflicts tend to bore readers so they’re a strict NO. Cliched scenarios include the story of a guy from a poor family falling in love with a girl from a rich family; the girl is the stereotypical weep-at-every-opportunity woman and the guy is her savior; break ups happening to possessiveness and suspicion; any form of love triangle and the likes.


Romance novels would fail if there were no chemistry between the lead couple. You need to ensure your words express the love and emotions felt by the couple. Readers should know and feel that the characters are madly in love with each other and that they find bliss in each other’s company. However, remember not to go overboard. Do not get explicit in your writing.


Dialogues should be honest and from the perspective of the character. Think like the character would and come up with dialogues. Refrain from writing cheesy dialogues as they are no longer something readers look forward to reading (they also make you appear like you’re desperately attempting t write a romance novel). Cheesy dialogues don’t make for a good romance fiction. Honest thoughts of the characters and their responses do.

Romance is something that we all have experienced at some point in our lives. Or, at the least, we would have seen people falling in love and sharing their experiences. Get inspiration from real life scenarios and translate the feel into words. And remember, no cliches!

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Aravind S

Aravind, works as a publishing mentor at Notion Press. His articles help aspiring writers realize their dream of becoming a published author. He has several years of experience in the publishing industry and has researched on digital media and the future of print-publishing. He is an active mentor for a community of writers to educate and guide them toward writing a book that sells.

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