quotes about reading books

7 Awesome quotes that encourages people to read

Reading is not just a hobby. Reading educates you, empowers you and changes the way you look at things. And there are millions of other reasons as to why you should take up reading. But to start with, here are 7 awesome quotes that encourages people to read.


7 Awesome quotes that encourages people to read

Very true. Have you tried gifting a book to anyone before? Well you must.


7 Awesome quotes that encourages people to read


Your book will always be there for you. Just were you left it. So you can always pick it up just where you left off.

7 Awesome quotes that encourages people to read

A flat object, made from a tree and with every turn of the page you get transported to a different world. Isn’t that just magical?


7 Awesome quotes that encourages people to read Enough said, we think.



7 Awesome quotes that encourages people to read

Reading breaks you free of all the shackles. It lets you question norms and opens your eyes to many things.


7 Awesome quotes that encourages people to readWhen you read more, you learn more. When you learn more, you experience more. The more experienced you are, the more you will understand.


7 Awesome quotes that encourages people to read

Reading stimulates your mind just like how exercising stimulates your body.

Now did these quotes by famous authors convince you of the power of reading? Are there any more famous quotes about reading that influenced you? Share those with us in the comments box.



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Aishwarya Mukundarajan

Aishwarya is an MBA graduate from Symbiosis International University, Pune. When asked what her hobbies are she points to an overflowing bookcase.

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