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A Poetic Correlation of the Inner and the Outer World is Notion Press’ Next Book

Notion Press’ next book, Cosmic Songs, is a beautiful compilation of verses from a man who understands life beyond its purpose. Penned by Lt Col S K Taggar, this illustrious piece of work is worth delving into.

The book is the second for Lt Col Taggar, where he has penned down his emotions. The words reflect his natural concern to singing his heart out, looking at life from a unique perspective. The author compares life’s lookout as spiritual intonations of a particle self in the company of other particles in this cosmic web.

The author meticulously attempts to highlight the underlying unity and universal peace of mankind while a

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Cosmic Songs

man plays his role in life. The book captures the emotions of humanity as one and puts together different aspects of life through a new lens. It is also an extensive collection of poems that bring to the fore aspects of life that are unknown or are hidden. The book is replete with heavenly experiences of the inner world, and that is outside.

So, if you are someone who is looking for some fresh perspective in life, and new aspects that may help you turn the tide for yourself, then this book is something to look out for. Also, if you are someone who relishes poetic lines, that too, about life lessons, then here’s a book that you will enjoy.

Speaking about the book, the author, Lt Col S K Taggar, says, “I am happy and delighted that another compilation of my poems is coming out for people to read. This is a new perspective to life, and it is compared with factors in the inside and on the outside.”

Lt Col S K Taggar has been in the soldiering profession from the age of 10 . He is an alumnus of Sainik School, Kapurthala, NDA, IMA, Madras Sappers and NIPER Mohali. He is a Civil Engineering graduate, a skydiver and an avid traveller. He has travelled and lived in almost all parts of India. Meeting people from various walks of life, the tribesmen and people from different castes and creeds, he developed a very compassionate view of all complex relationships, and he has moved to an all-pervasive spiritual realm. He believes in the underlying unity of all beings in our cosmos and life in all dead.

So, what are you waiting for? Go grab a copy of this excellent piece of poems in print or e-book format from the Notion Press bookstore or one of the leading e-commerce platforms, including Amazon and Flipkart.

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