Notion Press Presents a YA book about creating the world – Elemental School

What if one has to create the world? What are the skills, the knowledge he needs to assimilate in order to do it? To do so you have to study in ‘Elemental School’ and learn a skill that will help you on your journey. Notion Press, India’s leading self-publishing platform, presents Elemental School by Qedem J. Nesher. This book revolves around Michael who is teaching his students – Fiery, Watery, Lighty, Earthy and Windry – what they need to know to help create the earth and even the universe.

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Elemental School

‘Elemental School’ is a story before our earth, even the entire universe, was created. So it must be a different world and’ Elemental School’ is also in the position we have never seen before. So from reading this, you can learn how to involve yourself in this school. You can also realize this other world is very closely related to our world. This is the secret to that. We could be there and there we will be.

Qedem J. Nesher has been working for global companies where he has executed various projects in various fields. He has been working and traveling in New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Chennai in India and many countries in North and South America, Europe, Central Asia, Oceania, South, and East Asia. He’s traveling half a world away and thinking about who we are and why we were made. He’s got many opportunities spanning across the globe.

While traveling, he was intrigued by his identity and the existence of this world. He sometimes questioned obvious things like grass, stone, mountains, and oceans. After that, he realized that we cannot know all things. But he found out one vital thing, i.e., humans and Mother Nature are precious creations. This book is rooted in his imagination and decades of experience in his everyday life, professional work, business, pure travel, and deep meditation.

The book is available in print and e-book format at the Notion Press bookstore and several other e-commerce portals including Amazon and Flipkart.

The author can be contacted over email or social media.


Facebook: nesher.qedem (

Twitter: QedemN (

Instagram: qedemnesher (

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