NP Recommends #6 – Life Hacks 101

Hope you are safe? A lot of you reached out to us over the last week and mentioned that you were using this period to work on yourselves and improve your lives. So we thought we’d do our part and help you by recommending some of our self-help books. From working on your inner potential to helping you make decisions, we’ve covered a range of books that will help you become the best versions of yourselves. Here’s our NP Recommends list for this week:


The Sledgehammers Edge

Anand Nair

This book takes you on a path of realization of the enormous powers that lie within you to be exemplary in every walk of life. Hence, this book is not necessarily entrepreneurial in nature but deals immensely with the Soul, Mind and Body and how they subtly relate to each other in creating masterpieces in whatever one does, both personally and professionally. Click here to read.

How To Develop a ‘Never Give Up’ Attitude

Hardik Joshi

Not everyone born on Earth is successful. Success comes to those who pursue their goal with persistence, purpose and dedication. They are the ones who can convert their dreams to reality. They never give up on their dreams, no matter what the odds are. 
Enriched with simple techniques and stories, this book is a practical guide to developing the attitude to stay strong, confident and committed in the journey towards achieving one’s dream.  Click here to read.


Enrich Your Abilities

Halesh Srivara

In your efforts towards understanding your intra-personal qualities and inter-personal relationships, Enrich Your Abilities will enable you to improve your performance. The methods and suggestions discussed in this book are useful to adopt in your quest to achieve excellence. It will help build your confidence to deal with real-world challenges in your personal and professional life.  Click here to read.




How To Unleash Your True Potential


In a fast-paced life, we are living in right now, we often forget to give ourselves apt time. In a lifestyle hugely driven by rush, it’s quite normal to see people break down slowly. What goes missing? A mentor and a guide who would listen to your problems and help you solve them. We keep looking for that guide in the form of motivational articles, books or speeches and sooner or later it fizzes out. This is where we need to change. We need to understand that we all are a source of infinite potential and there is nothing you should seek outside of yourself to guide you. This book aims to do the same to help you grow inside out. This compilation of various motivational chapters gives a new meaning to various life lessons and how you should deal with it.  Click here to read.




Pankaj Garg

All of us need to make decisions that may be major or minor. One good decision can work wonders and dramatically change our lives forever. Similarly, one bad decision can prove disastrous and make life horrible. So ultimately, our life is a sum total of the decisions we make. This highlights the fact that decision making is the most important thing we do throughout our lives. If the decision-making process is so vital, then shouldn’t an all-out effort be made to improve this process? Unfortunately, most of us never try to do so! There must be a way to improve and standardize the process of decision making so that the chances of error are minimized. Can we learn this art and teach it to our children? There is very little literature available on this topic. Decisions is a book that is all about mastering the art of decision making by understanding and standardizing its concepts.  Click here to read.

We hope you enjoyed the list! Catch you next Monday to explore more E-books!


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