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Notion Press Presents, One Point Contact, a Guide to Finding Your True Self

Vedanta is one of the world’s most ancient spiritual philosophies and one of its broadest, based on the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of India. Vedantic knowledge is universal (Founded on Sanatan Dharma – The Eternal Truth) in its application and is equally relevant to the entire existence including humans irrespective of their caste, creed, cultures, religious orientation and other differentiating backgrounds. Notion Press, India’s leading self-publishing platform presents One Point Contact, a modern-day simplistic guide on how to unleash the true power that lies within you. With guiding principles to change your life, Author Sunil Ramkrishna Tapse sets you on a path to understand your true nature and re-create a life grounded in eternal truth.

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One Point Contact

Sunil Tapse has had a very unique and adventurous life. He started his career as a commercial diver and is very accomplished professionally in a career that very few in India are aware of even today. His life experiences have taught him that every challenge in life is an opportunity to rise to a greater level of consciousness. We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience. Thus, our existence is in two worlds – the physical and the metaphysical. The bridge between the physical and the metaphysical is paved with Human Values.

The author has deliberately excluded his personal life experiences from the book, instead of shared generic principles that everyone can choose to follow supported by Vedantic knowledge, simple analogy and validated by scientific findings wherever possible. Every life is equally wonderful and a magical experience however the majority of us fail to realise the magnificence bestowed upon us. Our universe is the University of life and our life experiences are the lessons we are here to learn. Once we start imbibing human values in our day to day living consciously, we start harnessing the joy and benefits of a being truly and universally spiritual.

Understand  the modern-day concept of spirituality, understand the true nature of being human and find answers to the ultimate question that sprouts in everyone’s mind -“WHO AM I?”

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