8 Inspiring Books by Powerful Women

It's that time of the year where we celebrate women and all their achievements globally. This women's day is all about empowering women, it’s about breaking stereotypes, it’s about gender equality and it’s about being independent. ...

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Tsundoku: Buying books and not reading them!

The Japanese language has always had beautiful, unique words that describe very specific things. One such word we love is Tsundoku. It is a commonly used term amongst book lovers. Some people are even proud that ...

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A Beginner's Guide to Publishing Terms

A Beginner’s Guide to Publishing Terms

Certain publishing terms can be confusing when encountered for the first time. Here is a guide for you to understand what they mean. With the advent of the internet, people began consuming content in unbelievable proportions. The more ...

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Authors should have a Facebook Interest List

Tutorial: How to create Facebook posts using Book Postr

Social Media is a game changer for authors. It provides a platform for authors to not only connect with their readers but also keep them engaged. Having said that, it takes considerable time and effort, ...

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writing tips

How to Write Better- Must Follow Tips

Here’s a strange but true thing about writing- it’s an art form that can never quite be described as perfect. Like any other art form, writing comes in multiple styles and presentations, so one can ...

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publish an ebook

How to publish an eBook in India?

The digital revolution is taking place in almost every sector in the world, including the publishing industry. Traditional forms of books will always remain and gain an immense love for readers and writers alike. However, ...

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