Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing – How to use it to your advantage

Building a buzz around your book: Before you start publishing your book, you need to spend time building an author platform, as we saw in the previous posts. But once you've started the process of publishing, you ...

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pitch your book

Pitching your Book – The Art of Selling

Now that you know whom you have written for, you might assume that the book will sell itself. It doesn't. Spontaneous success is a one in a million phenomenon. Don't sit around waiting for it ...

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pitching a book

How to pitch your book to readers

Let's discuss about another very important part of your book marketing initiatives The Elevator Pitch. The moment you tell people that you are writing/have written a book, the first thing they want to know is ...

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book size

How to Choose the Right Size and Binding Type for your Book?

Choosing a book size is one of the many decisions you would take in the journey of self-publishing. The size you choose for your book plays an important role in creating an impact among your readers. ...

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book isbn

All You Need to Know about ISBN

Let's start the post like one of the many posts out there the abbreviation of ISBN. It stands for International Standard Book Number. In simple words, it's a unique identification number for your books, whose ...

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create a Book Trailer

How to create a Book Trailer

As far as I know, there is a lot of debate happening among authors on the requirement of a video trailer for books. As an author, you may feel that your book doesn't require a ...

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