Breaking Down the Shark Tank that is the Corporate World: A Book Launch by Notion Press

Climbing the corporate ladder is like weaving through a landmine where even one misstep could blow up in your face. Notion Press, India’s leading self-publishing platform, has come out with a book appropriately titled Soda Bottle Opener, written by Aneel Khanna, that quite literally tells you to open up the soda bottle within you and release the possibilities trapped inside, reinvent your thought process and always project yourself to exceed expectations.


The book traces the journey of a man’s trip from mediocrity to excellence and the little, or sometimes big, pit stops along the way. It’s a shark tank out there, and there are always bigger fish to fry. You need to crawl and fight your way to make a name, ruthlessly step on others to be successful. It’s an ‘either kill or be killed’ environment, and you need to have your wits about you if you intend to survive. Here’s a word of advice—if you wish to be successful in the corporate world, you need to be shrewd and ready to exploit; otherwise, you will be left behind in the race for establishment, recognition and success.

This book urges you to not just aim for being successful but to go above and beyond that. It calls for you to take control of who you are and make the best of what you’ve got. Because at the end of the day, we’re traversing a journey that never ends.

Do you want to get a little sneak peek into making it big in the corporate industry? Would you like to be among the select few who hold the secrets? Then get your copy of the book on or the leading e-commerce websites Amazon and Flipkart.

About the author:

Aneel Khanna is a graduate in economics, though he wanted to major in English literature. This is the story of his life—he always did what he never wanted to. This indecisiveness made him go through a tumultuous professional career. He wanted to be a copywriter but became a salesman, he wanted to join the theatre but left it midway because he got married at the age of twenty-four, and domestic compulsions left him little time to pursue his interests.

For a while, he dabbled in being a door-to-door salesman before soon moving on to pushing office automation products at a time when manual typewriters took six months to deliver.  Spearheading the export promotion for a company, he had the opportunity to do a little bit of globetrotting, which he enjoyed. He later joined a security company, an assignment that took him to the pinnacle of his career. He rose to the level of ED and was one of the key players in taking the company from a turnover of eighteen crore rupees to almost four hundred crore rupees, making it the first Indian security company to become an MNC. It also acquired a leading British organization.

He now operates as a management consultant and enjoys his road trips to distant parts of the country, free and anchorless.

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