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Notion Press’ Next is a ‘The Cordial Words’ is a Tale of Love, Life, and New Beginnings


Notion Press, India’s largest self-publishing platform is coming out with a new book ‘The Cordial Words’ which is a poetic piece of life’s most important feeling—love. When God made human beings, he created several feelings that we express. Of all those feelings, the most compelling emotion is love. There is no person on this planet who cannot be moved by love. It is one feeling that can win wars, break hearts and change lives.

This new book is a poetic embodiment of love, and all that revolves around it. Love, according to the new-age author, is the strongest feeling of all and is the driver of every aspect in our lives. It is this feeling that instils all other emotions in us, for the love that we have for our dearest is why we develop expectations and trust. When these feelings are hurt, one feels broken.

With love, we build a life. But sometimes, love does not bring happiness. It breaks your heart. That is how strong it can be, says the author in his own poetic way. This book touches on those feelings, too. Not just that, it also attempts to touch upon the motivation of a person to move on after having their heart broken.

The upcoming book is something that all young millennials would like. So, if you are someone who is thrilled by love, and is swayed by heartbreaks, and is also looking to move on, then this book is just the right thing for you.

The Cordial Words Buy Now
The Cordial Words

So, go and buy a copy for you to relish, read and delve into the poetic verses of this beautiful book. You can find your copy in print or online from or one of the leading e-commerce websites like Amazon and Flipkart.

Speaking about the book, the author, Nikhil, said, “In this world, every person is moved by love. This book is about this amazing feeling that can change things for people.” He goes on, “This could be an inspiration to find love, motivation to move on, or the courage to fight a heartbreak.”

Nikhil started writing poems when he was a young 17-year-old boy. His first book was ‘Carnations’ and was applauded by many. His second venture was a book named ‘Wings of Love’ that was compiled by him, along with a few other new-age writers.

This is the third book by the author that talks about love, life, heartbreak, new beginnings and much more that the youth go through, nowadays. It talks about how all that is hard to experience and a lot harder to explain and go through.

Nikhil, through this book, is trying to make people understand a lot about life and the things we find difficult to cope with.

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