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Notion Press’ Latest Unfold A Tale Of A Girl Who Dared For More

When you educate a man, you educate an individual. When you educate  a woman, you educate a whole family” Robert M. Maciver 

A soul-stirring story about a girl with a strong desire to go to school and seek education. There is, however, a big obstacle in the way, there are no schools for girls in Nuristan, a province in the east of Afghanistan, but that is the least of her worries. 

Notion Press, India’s leading self-publishing platform, presents The Mountains Have Witnessed by Khojasta Sameyee & Ahmad Khisrow Sameyee – the story of a girl who dared for more. 

This book unravels the bittersweet story of Sara, a girl born with magical bloodshot eyes. She was shunned by society and discouraged by her own father in her noble quest – to build a school for girls in her small town and attain education so that she may dream of a brighter future in her war-torn country. She saw knowledge as a path to salvation and wanted to empower herself as  well as the other girls in her town through knowledge 

Sara triumphs over age-old customs and traditions and successfully melts the stone-cold heart of her father, a man set in his ways, through her passion and determination. Finally, she sets off on building a center of education for girls. Just when everything seemed to be going on the right track, a devasting incident changes everything!  

The Mountains Have Witnessed Buy Now
The Mountains Have Witnessed

Join Sara’s journey in following her passion and persevering against all odds and discover how  far people are willing to go in order to realize their dreams 

Author Khojasta Sameyee is a social activist and an author. She has contributed immensely to  Global voices and NABU as an author and also as a volunteer translator. She has won the acclaimed N-Peace Award in 2018 for her relentless work in social activism and promoting peace.

Ahmad Khisrow Sameyee is a freelance journalist working in the city of Kabul, Afghanistan. He was greatly inspired by literature when he was introduced to the legendary Rumi’s poems and  William Shakespeare’s beautiful artworks. He has many unpublished short stories, written in  Dari/Persian language, and has contributed to various organizations for whom he writes scripts and translates content. 

A perfect blend between building up suspense and addressing social issues! 

Grab your copy of The Mountains Have Witnessed by Khojasta Sameyee & Ahmad Khisrow  Sameyee in print and e-book format at the Notion Press Bookstore and amongst leading e-commerce portals such as Amazon and Flipkart.

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