why you should write

Why You Should Write a Book

We live in a world of 7 billion people; a beautiful planet that is home to amazing diversity. With thousands of languages spoken around the world, with people from different cultural and diverse backgrounds living together, and with so many things diversifying us at so many different levels, the world is indeed huge and not how the internet perceives it to be. Considering such vast diversity, we, as humans, have evolved drastically and significantly over the centuries. From swinging across trees to discovering the presence of water on our neighboring planet, we have come a long way. And if there’s anything that has helped us come this long and will propel mankind further is the transfer of knowledge and information from one person to another, from one generation to the next. It’s because of individuals who felt it was their responsibility to record, document, and spread information for the welfare of others that we’ve reached this far. And one huge factor that lay at the fulcrum of the evolution is books. Imagine, if our early ancestors had not documented their experiences, revelations, inventions, and discoveries, where would have we stood in the timeline? From information documented on the leaves of Cyprus, to walls, and to printed books, knowledge transfer through book and its any form is and has been crucial.

Most of the humane aspects are influenced and evolved by books. Poetry has influenced the way we expressed love and human emotions; fiction has touched every probable possibility of circumstances in human life and has offered us insights on them; self-help has always been there for us to spring up and keep going, academic books are here for us to learn new things and broaden the way we think, and topics related to the occult and spirituality have been discoursed and explained through spiritual books. The list doesn’t end here. If you sit down to think, books have an influence on every single action we do. Somewhere right now, an author is penning down words that are going to have an impact on us at some point in our lives. Such is the power of books. Books are immortal; they are a legacy that gets passed on to the coming generations or people, trying to better somebody’s life.

Keeping public interest aside, books are also something that makes us feel good when writing. Pain subsides when we pen down our emotions and happiness just multiplies manifold when we give words to our feelings. Writing a book makes us a better person and helps us become more open to events, circumstances, and consequences. It makes us humble and takes us on a journey within. And it is for the same reason that every one of us should write a book.

As we know, not everyone sees life and events in a same perspective. It differs from person to person and this difference is what we conclude as experience. And when we write and share this experience with the world, it helps a lot of people (known and unknown) significantly. They say wise people learn from their mistakes and the wiser ones learn from others. When we document our life experience, probabilities are high that it can in some point of time transform a life to something better.

Besides, when we write a book, apart from the monetary rewards that it can fetch to us as royalties, it also helps us in our lives at various levels. In our profession, in our personal life, in our social life, regardless of what the situation is, writing a book can elevate us as a person and our image in the society.

Still not Convinced?

If you aren’t, probably you should know the perks of having written a book. For instance, if you’re an entrepreneur or an aspiring businessman, having written a book gives you a boost in your industry. Having written a book, you will have more credibility in the industry you’re venturing into, it will show you as the master of the subject matter you are dealing with and will take you ahead of the people who are competing with you. It can act as your brand-booster and fetch you respect in your industry. If you’re an employee, it can put your efforts and knowledge into limelight and give an authority over what you are doing above others. People at workplace will know who you are and what your competency is. You will stand ahead in the people-to-be-promoted list and you can increase your chances of taking charge of team and training them. Your book can act as a manual for other employees in your workplace and your hierarchy in other organizations.

If you’re a student, it can put you on ahead on the race for scholarships as books are one of the great ways to pitch in for one and prove one’s skills. A book as a student can get you an admission and open avenues to limitless possibilities in the days to come.

Now that you know the possibilities that would get unlocked on writing a book, if you’re wondering about what you can write about, just understand and realize what you’re good at. Your competency can be on anything you can be someone who is good at cooking and baking, a music enthusiast, someone who understands complex scientific theories and knows them to explain it to a layman, a computer expert, a person who can spin stories from nothing in a few minutes, or someone who knows about farming and agriculture. When you realize what you are good at, you have to then read books popular on your niche and understand the already available information. This is the research phase, where you look not for what is already available but for what is unavailable. As you read, you will get to understand a gap, at some instance, and your personal experience in your niche might come into action and fill the gap there. This is how new approaches emerge and books that offer a different perspective on things crop up. When people read new stuff, they feel rewarded and enlightened and that is how you transform a life. Everyone has a story to tell; recall and you’ll have one too!

What Happens when You Write a Book?

When you sit down to brainstorm ideas and approaches for your book and write a few pages, you will realize how hard it is to write one. You will understand the pain involved in the process of writing, the solitude, and the amount of effort that goes into translating thoughts into words. You slowly tend to understand the plight of other authors and you evolve from a critic to an appreciator.

You get to know about the subject you are dealing with and also about yourself. As you dig deeper and deeper about your niche, you will learn a lot of stuff that you didn’t know otherwise and also about the ones that got buried inside your mind in the course of time. Also, you tend to discover things about yourself. When you write, thoughts strike you randomly and some thoughts have the power to transform you into a person you didn’t know existed in you. As we said, you evolve in the course of writing. By the time you’re done writing, you will not only have a new manuscript in hand but also a new you.

Your ideas will take a tangible shape and it can help solve a plight somewhere in the life of a person or a community. If an idea you have is worth to be written, or if your story matters to you and it means to be told, it will matter to tens of thousands of people out there.

As mentioned, it gives you an opportunity to set yourself apart and provides you with an opportunity to launch or expand your business, surge in career, establish your brand as an author, and open up new avenues in industry as well.

If your book is really good, you get paid, too!

If you’re convinced that your story needs to be told and a difference can be made, then go ahead and start brainstorming and get writing. Remember that this is a really early stage to think of how you can go about publishing it in the market and promoting it. As of now, you need to work on your idea and give it a readable form. It’s only in the later stages, like after months or probably a year, that you need to get concerned about the publishing processes involved. Also, with self-publishing, you don’t have to wait for a response for the manuscript you send and anticipate approval or rejection from a traditional publisher. You can choose to let the world know about your tale by self-publishing it and making a mark as an independent writer.


So, is it Possible for Everyone to come up with a Book?

Well, frankly, we hope everyone does. We see a world where a majority of people out there decide to share their story through books. We visualize thousands of people turning into writers and writers becoming authors a world where knowledge and experience sharing is seamless and everyone is curious to know that the other has to tell and share. Imagine the difference that can be made, the tranquility that can be restored, and the quantum of evolution that can happen. If you see a similar world, all you need to do to make all the difference is pick up a pen and write down the tale you have to tell. Good luck!

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Aravind S

Aravind, works as a publishing mentor at Notion Press. His articles help aspiring writers realize their dream of becoming a published author. He has several years of experience in the publishing industry and has researched on digital media and the future of print-publishing. He is an active mentor for a community of writers to educate and guide them toward writing a book that sells.

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