प्रेम की खुशी
By saurabh saroj in Poetry | Reads: 1,143 | Likes: 0
1-हरपल गर खुशी रहना चाहो, औरों को खुशी देना सीखो। हरपल गर सुख पाना चाहो, औरों को सुख देना सीखो।। 2- प्रीत को रीत बना लो भ  Read More...
Published on May 4,2020 04:13 PM
By Dr. Syeda Ruqia Zaidi in Supernatural | Reads: 1,143 | Likes: 336
The story is based on a Historical Fiction which makes you tremendously involved in it, which has interesting adventurous magical action packed at one place. Story Follows and revolves around 500 B.C. During this period everything used to run in and around magic running through veins of every humans  Read More...
Published on Sep 17,2020 03:51 PM
By Mridula Singh in Poetry | Reads: 1,143 | Likes: 0
बेमतलबउस शहर का भी क्या मतलब,जिसमें कोई हमदर्द भी ना हो।उस हमदर्द का भी क्या मतलब,जिसे मेरे दर्द की परवाह भी ना हो।उ  Read More...
Published on Sep 21,2020 10:09 AM
அனுபவம் புதுமை
By Pavalamani Pragasam in Poetry | Reads: 1,142 | Likes: 0
அனுபவம் புதுமை வரலாறு காணாத நிலைமை ஒன்றானது உலக சமுதாயம் ஒரிதயமாய் துடிக்குது மானிடம் எல்லைகள் கடந்து நாடுகள  Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 07:35 PM
School Frenzy
By Aditi in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 1,142 | Likes: 1
The firsts always make you anxious , excited and give you jitters in your stomach. Now you might think of your first love or first job. Well I am talking about the first day of my child's online school . V's school on a normal day starts at 7 in the morning, that means our day starts at 5am(talk abo  Read More...
Published on Jun 8,2020 09:25 PM
By Ruth Beatriz Costa in Romance | Reads: 1,141 | Likes: 11
  It was the most prolonged five minutes of her life that Mira could think of. She had had a stressful day at work and couldn’t wait to send out the last email before she could walk out of the office doors. Her eagerness hadn’t stemmed from nothing. She had plans! Earlier in the da  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 07:55 PM
लक्ष्मण रेखा में....... रावण
By Naveen pandey in Poetry | Reads: 1,141 | Likes: 1
देखों कैसे पाट दिये, सारे रावण इक घेरे में। अब विष उगलेंगे दसों शीश से, मानवता के चेहरे पर।। अब सारे रावण रेखा के भीत  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 09:49 PM
एक डर
By dolly in Poetry | Reads: 1,140 | Likes: 0
डर लगता है सपना टूट ना जाए, संभले है कहीं फिर से बिखर ना जाए। हिम्मत नहीं हारी और ना हारेंगे, हौसला अब भी है उसे जरूर प  Read More...
Published on Apr 7,2020 01:19 AM
beauty of flim maker
By mahek in Poetry | Reads: 1,139 | Likes: 3
 flims are story bought to life  The heart skippes the beat  A wide smile is drawn on the face A tear runs down ur cheeck A breath taking moment is expericend I want to be reason behind this reactions of the audience I want to responsible for every produced I want to be flim maker Fl  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 04:20 PM
Moving On
By Chandrayan Gupta in General Literary | Reads: 1,139 | Likes: 0
 The beggar glanced to his right, and saw that the young man in his late twenties was back again. He had been coming here, to the dimly lit and barren street, every day for the past week. All he ever did was stare for hours at end out at the lake running alongside the street. His face would reg  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 09:47 PM
By Anbudan Miththiran in Poetry | Reads: 1,139 | Likes: 0
என் சுதந்திரம் பறிபோனதாக வீதியில் இறங்கி போராட நான் ஒன்றும் அமெரிக்க குடிமகன் அல்ல. தன்னை அடக்கியவனுக்கு, இந்த  Read More...
Published on Apr 25,2020 02:22 AM
अपना कहे जाते है
By Saima Anwer in Poetry | Reads: 1,138 | Likes: 2
हर किसी से कहे भी नहीं जातेजज़्बात वो बिन लिखे रहे भी नहीं जाते सुनता कौन है यहाँ किसी कीमतलब की डोर सेसब बन्धे चले   Read More...
Published on Aug 29,2020 04:56 PM
Can We Measure Pain?
By Nazam Riar in Poetry | Reads: 1,137 | Likes: 19
Can We Measure Pain ?  If there was a way to measure pain  who would you consider is suffering the most ?  the ones locked down in their houses arguing with their beaus over the best way to kill time or the mental health patient who doesn’t even know what has gone wrong could it  Read More...
Published on Apr 1,2020 04:46 PM
मनुष्यता की पुकार
By Naveen pandey in Poetry | Reads: 1,136 | Likes: 2
क्या आपदाएं रोक सकती, है हमारी राह को। क्या विभीषिकाएं रोक सकती, है हमारी चाह को ।। हम मनुज है जो जीते प्रतिदिन, लेते   Read More...
Published on Apr 4,2020 07:10 PM
एक बूढ़ा
By Nilesh Sankrityayan in Poetry | Reads: 1,136 | Likes: 0
शीत ऋतु की सर्द रात उस मोड़ पर बैठा एक बूढ़ा अर्धनग्न बदन लगभग सत्तर का वो होगा गमछा,डंडा हैं उसके धन ताकता कभी तारो  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 03:05 PM