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The Price Of Truth The High Cost of Exposing Secrets

Author Name: Kanishka Goli | Format: Paperback | Genre : Young Adult Fiction | Other Details

Life may throw hard challenges at you, but all you have to do is solve it. Not in the hardest way possible, maybe find a simpler way. Some questions may remain unanswered, but if you want to make a change, then you have to step up and face any challenges ahead of you.

Read the fascinating journey of a girl named Razel who faces the same situations in life. The choices she had to make in life and the price she paid to discover the truth and save everyone.



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Kanishka Goli

In 2022, Kanishka's dedication to her passions and her ability to balance her studies with her extracurricular activities made her a role model for her peers. Her journey of self-discovery and creativity continued to flourish as she embarked on new projects, always eager to share her unique perspective with the world.

In 2024, during her 8th-grade year, she wrote her latest book "The Price Of Truth," delving into the complexities of human emotions and relationships and weaving a captivating narrative that resonates deeply with readers.

Through her compelling storytelling and thought-provoking themes, Kanishka invites her audience to explore profound insights and self-discovery, making "The Price Of Truth" a must-read for those seeking both entertainment and a deeper understanding of themselves.

