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Notion Press Presents a Tale on Frontline Workers – Covid: Story of a Doctor

We no longer live in a world as we knew it. In the wake of the pandemic, several lives changed forever. Everyday lives, suddenly stood at the edge of being lost to a potent virus outbreak that was lethal. Chaos and fear ensued, but our masked heroes stood in front of the unknown, ready to fight against a deadly disease. 

Notion Press, India’s leading self-publishing platform, presents Covid: Story of a Doctor penned by Uday Awasthi. This book elucidates upon the lives of frontline healthcare workers who suddenly by a twist of fate, were drawn at crossroads in their lives, trapped within the clutches of the COVID virus that was rapidly spreading. At the time, when the world was falling apart in fear,  these heroes were looked up to in hope of a miracle. 

The setting of the book lies in the city of Wuhan, New York, Delhi and it explores the lives and struggles of doctors who relentlessly worked for hours under extreme conditions and of those who put up a brave battle with unfazed grit and courage, against the virus that was potent enough to kill them. As each of them discovered ways to keep the hopes high, they slowly found themselves battling the events that threatened to overwhelm them, uncovering emotions that they had buried so deep in their subconscious. 

The book paints the picture of these resilient heroes, who dealt with the loss of their own loved ones but strived to save others. The severe conditions which could break down anyone were taken up as a challenge. With their eyes witnessing losing battles, none of them lost hope but continued to fight till they took over this deadly virus. This is a touching, poignant, emotional and truly remarkable journey to be set in record. A story was written by a man who saw the events unfold in front of him. 

A doctor by profession, Dr. Uday Awasthi, MD is an Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and critical care. After completing his MD from Himachal Pradesh, he later went on to join one of the most prestigious hospitals in Delhi, Safdarjung Hospital for his Senior Residency. This story

came out in verse, when Dr. Awasthi witnessed the COVID outbreak and the overwhelming dread this virus brought while working in the Covid ward at his hospital. 

The book is available in print and e-book format at the Notion Press bookstore and several  other e-commerce portals including Amazon and Flipkart

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